Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mr. Begich Goes to Joel's Place

Senator Begich came to visit us at Joel's Place.  He received a short tour, talked with us a little bit about the importance of investing in youth and gave us the following document from the Congressional Record.

It reads like this:

Mr. Begich: 
                  Mr. President, today I would like to recognize the 15th anniversary of the founding of Wellspring Revival Ministries in Fairbanks, AK.  In 1998, Michael and Linda Setterberg recognized the need for more youth activities in the Fairbanks area and set out to do something about it.  In 1999, the Setterbergs opened Joel's Place, a place for young people who needed somewhere to belong.
                 It began with a weekly youth group meeting but it grew to be something much bigger. Today, relying on volunteers, grants and charitable contributions, Joel's Place is open 6 days a week with a concert hall, cafe, a garden, and sports activities including the only indoor skate park in Alaska.  Joel's Place works with local school counselors and is a National Safe Place, offering shelter and counseling.
                Part of the success of Joel's Place is due to partnerships with other local nonprofits and national foundations, as well as State and local governments.  Federal grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture provide support for the organization's Summer Food Service Program and Child and Adult Care Food Program, which ensures that low-income children receive nutritious meals.
               The power to keep the program going comes from the passion and devotion of the founders of Joel's Place, the professionals who run it, the board of directors who oversee the organization and the volunteers who give their time.  I give my congratulations to the people who make Joel's Place go, and I look forward to hearing about their continued success.
                                                                                       Mark Begich

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