Saturday, February 16, 2013

Human Capital

     I was watching an interview with Ed Whitacre the other day.  Mr. Whitacre was the CEO charged with turning GM around after their bailout.  He was asked if there was a methodology that he would use in turning around any organization.  His reply was "People.  Give people responsibility. Give them authority.  Give them accountability.  People are a company's best asset."  You would think that the leader of an automotive giant would talk about the quality of their vehicles.  Mr. Whitacre's belief is that quality people translate into quality product.  I have been mulling this over as I think about Joel's Place.
     Joel's Place is not a multi-national company.  We are not even the largest Fairbanks non-profit that works with youth.  What we are is an organization that wants the best for the young people of Interior Alaska.  We want to provide them with a place of safety and security where they can have a ridiculous amount of fun and develop into men and women possessing strength of body, mind and character.
     Too often I find myself obsessing over grants, programs, money and events as I work at achieving those goals.  I spend a lot of time at my desk working through reports and proposals.  Don't get me wrong, these are important steps towards keeping the building open and heated...but they are not what will help us achieve our goals.  People are the best asset that we have.  They are the best opportunity for caring for the kids who come through our doors.  There are several different types of human capital that we can invest in the Joel's Place Youth.

     First is our staff.  Jon, Kelli, Leah, Tami, Arlys, Darius and Rhema pour themselves into making Joel's Place a tremendous experience for everyone who attends.  They have all sorts of different gifts, but are all friendly and encouraging, eager to talk and ready to listen, longing to see a better life for all the kids.  We have just completed a month long discussion on Vision and they are all excited to see Joel's Place grow and mature.  This is an outstanding team that I have and I am going to do everything that I can to ensure that they are given every opportunity to succeed.

     There are other opportunities to have people invest in Joel's Place other than being on staff.  I have talked at length about financial donors before so I will only mention them briefly: gifts of money allow us to the freedom to pursue our vision.  We are so grateful.

     Joel's Place was built on volunteers...people who were willing to give of their time and experience to the youth of Fairbanks.  We need a new generation of volunteers to come alongside us now.  We need people who are interested in teaching what they know: math, writing, vehicle repair, art, music, survival, foreign name it.  If you are interested in passing your knowledge on to hungry minds, let us know.  If you are interested in cooking or tutoring, let us know.  If you are interested in fixing stuff, let us know.  If you are interested in giving rides to and from Joel's Place, let us know.  If you are interested in organizing work crews to complete major projects, let us know.  If you are interested in security for concerts, let us know.  If you have a skill, interest or ability that I have not mentioned, let us know.  I love to get creative with people who want to invest in youth.

     Another place of investment is with our Board of Directors.  Alaska has over 6,000 nonprofits, not even counting churches or school PTSAs.  When you look at the total number of eligible adults in the state, it becomes clear why nonprofits are always searching for Board members.  If you are willing to invest a few hours each month into helping supervise and guide this amazing organization, I would welcome a call.  We are looking to move into the next stage of development for Joel's Place and I am looking for people who are faithful, invested in the Interior's Youth and interested in joining our mission.  Plus you would get to work with me a that's a bonus.  The Board tackles the big picture direction of the movement, the minutia of policy and everything in between.  We laugh. We argue. We pray. We see God work all the time.  It is a remarkable ride and I invite you to join us.

     The quality of the Joel's Place experience for the youth is not due to our building or our ramps or our concerts or our cafe.  The quality of the experience is the amount of Human Capital that is poured into these kids from every angle.  Consider coming alongside.  Your investment could be part of what transforms a life, a family or even our community.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


     We have finally finished our processing of 2012.  Reports have been finished.  Letters have been mailed.  Statistics have been compiled.  Before we close the book on the previous year, however I would like to take a few minutes to thank everyone who partnered financially with Joel's Place over the course of the year.  You have enabled us to pay our staff and our bills, to feed the hungry and give our kids a place to be safe, have fun and develop into strong young men and women. 
     There are a few distinct categories that I want to mention:
  • Largest Donor:  Black Gold Oilfield Services.  Thank you so much.  Your generosity allowed us to stay open over the lean summer months.
  • Smallest Donor: Diego and Essie Menaker who over 6 different donations gave a total of $3.50.  You make me a proud papa.
  • Major Donors:  These each gave over $5,000 this year- BP, Conoco Philips,Door of Hope Church, Lifepoint COGIC, R&D Environmental, Mike and Linda Setterberg, Michael Stoltz, Bob and Jean Tsigonis, Wal-Mart, and the Weeks Charitable Foundation. Thank you for your generosity.
  • Monthly Champions: Each and every month these partners gave.  You are the foundation we build from.-Leah Byam, Door of Hope Church, Fairbanks Rescue Mission, 1st COGIC, Erika Johnson, Shaun and April Katz, Joel and Stacey Kiekintveld, Chris Kilgore, Kendi Lesley, MAC FCU, Annemarie Mattachionne, Vince Meurlott, Josephine Mills, Joshua Poe, Dawn and Jerry Sadler, Daniel Schweitert, Mike, Linda, Donald and Loraine Setterberg, Richard and Cherie Solie, Roy and Arlys Westfall, and Judith Wise.
  • A very special thanks to Dennis Wise whose long-term partnership has allowed us to have a building to call home.
     So I would like to say Thank You to all of our 220 financial partners who donated over $206,000 to Joel's Place this past year.

Access Alaska, Inc
Advance Printing
Airport Equipment Rentals
Alaska Aerofuel Inc
Alaska Travel Industry
Altrol Heating and Cooling
Anderson John/Ann Carolyn
Angaiak Jacob
Angell William/Rebecca
Ardis Hubert/Alice
Association of School Boards
Badger Road Christian Fellowship
Baham Todd
Bates Adam/Tricia
Beauchamp Joel/Tara
Beazer Michelle
Becker Lacey
Bell Bert
Bennett Catherine
Bethel Church
Black Gold Oil
Blackweasel Elijah
Bolt Carol
Boston's Pizza
Boulanger Sandy
Bouma Kaari
Bourroughs Annette
Boyle Andrew/Kelli
Boyle Selah
Brechan Linda
Brewster Lacey
Brown Chester
Brown Ellen
Brown Linda
Brown Travis
Bruner Jennifer
Brunty Candice
Burglin David/Patti
Burkett Betty
Byam Leah
Byam Sherwood
Campbell Mack/Diana
Carrington Steven
Chaplain Corps Accounting Center
Chiu Benlind
Cirocco Carol
Coffey Randall/Nancy
Cole Loretta
Condon Cathy
Condon Daniel
Contento Antone
Crawford Sarah
Darrah Christopher
Date-Line Printing
Davis Debra
Davis Virgil
Design Alaska
Door of Hope Church
Dreesen Judith
Dufford Sheila
Dwyer Matt
Edmunds Amy
Elks Lodge
Evridge Garrett
Fairbanks Lions Club
Fairbanks Rescue Mission
Fairbanks Youth Sports
Family Centered Services
Farmer Jon
File Joel
File Lisa
1st United Methodist Church
Flodin Jerry/Jan
Foggia Richard/Kathryn
1st Presbyterian Church
1st Strike
Freshwater Karla
Gilbert Rebecca
Global Giving
Grossmann Dawn
Hanson Teresa
Harries Nancy
Hawkins Robert
Herberg Henry
Hersey Michael
Hinzman MG/LD
Huff Jonathan
Huffman Chris/Devin
Huffman James/Leslie
Huffman Jeremy
Irwin Thomas/Sharon
Isgrigg Larry/Frances
John Robert
Johnson Erika
Johnson Karen
Johnston Cherie
Jubilee Worship Center
Katz Shaun/April
Kawasaki Scott
Keller Barbara
Kelsey Damon/Melisa
Kiekintveld Joel/Stacey
Kilgore Chris
King Ed
Klaver Claude/Joanne
Knowles Jason
Koch Companies Public Sector LLC
Lease Laura
Lefferson William/Charlotte
Lesley Kendi
Licalsi Anita
Lidster Karen
Lifepoint COGIP
Lincoln Robert/Carla
Litzinger Rebecca
Louwerse Joshua/Jessica
Loyal Order of Moose
MacChenyne's Carpets Plus
Mandich Guyan/Maria
Marsh Thomas/Sharon
Mattacchione Annemarie
Mayo Will/Yvonne
McBride Jo C.
McIntyre Karen
McIntyre Neal
McMullen Lenord
Meath Breanna
Meierotto Sheryl
Menaker Allen/Jan
Menaker Diego
Menaker Esperanza
Meurlott Vince
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Midey Raymond/Peggy
Milam Steve/Emma
Mills Josephine
Mills Josephine
Moore Ken
National Garden Association
Neal Bruce/Katherine
Neubert Gerald
North Pole AOG
Optimists Club
Owens Dale
Palmer Theresa
Patersson Kay
Pearson Owen/Angela
Peger Angel
Persson Craig
Phillips Clara
Pingayak Valerie
Plumlee Monte/Marie
Poe Joshua
Ponchione Daniel/Takenya
R&D Environmental
Raymond Matthew/Kim
Roderick Gary
Rotary Club of Fairbanks G
Rotary Club of Fairbanks Sunrisers
Russell Bethany
Rychener Joshua/Janelle
Sadler Brenda
Sadler Jerry/Dawn
Santa's Letters and Gifts
Schatz Mersadies
Schumann Lois
Schweitert Daniel
Seaburn Cerenity
Seekins Ford-Lincoln
Setterberg Brian
Setterberg Donald/Loraine
Setterberg Mike/Linda
Sloan John
Sloan Linda
Smith Trinity
Solie Richard/Cherie
Stanfill Larry
Stepovich Joan
Stepp Drennon/Nora
Stoltz Michael
Superior Roofing
Sweeney Mary
Tanana Chiefs Conf.
Tetrad Services
Thomas James
Thompson Todd
Tittle Jackson/Catherine
Tsigonis Bekah
Tsigonis Bob/Jean
Turtles, Inc
Tweet Rhonda
Underwood Terry/Betsy
Undgrodt Margaret
United Methodist Women
Usibelli Foundation
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc
Wallace Charles/Carolyne
Walsh Fred/Kenda
Walton Nevada
Weeks Charitable Foundation
Weibel Katherine
Weis Richard
The Well
Wells Melanie
Westerveld William/Frances
Westfall Roy/Arlys
Wilbur Charlotte
Wise Dennis
Wise Judith
Wisel John/Patty
Woolace James/Marilyn
Wozniak Fritz/Cynthia   

May you be blessed as you have blessed others.
