Saturday, November 17, 2012


     Last night I stood in front of 250 people as I introduced myself as the Executive Director and held up my cell phone, "My wife is pregnant.  Very pregnant.  9 months and 10 days pregnant.  The baby could come any moment.  So I am keeping my cell available so I can dash out of here if need be.  Ideally the labor would start at 9:30 so that I can be here for the entire event and then leave before clean up starts."  The room laughed; the event went great; my wife did not go into labor.  9 months and 11 days.

     We are waiting for baby at the Menaker household.  Just waiting.  We clean or reorganize or pay bills, but every major obligation has either been removed, rescheduled or completed for this week.  The first words out of everyone's mouths when they see me are, "Have you had that baby yet?"  I shake my head and then they mutter something like "That Poor Woman," "Bless her heart," or they begin to tell me their horror pregnancy/delivery story.  One friend actually told me that her husband knew when the baby was about to come because she had a gleam in her eyes that suggested that she would take a sharp knife and cut the child out herself.   These stories are meant to be encouraging...I guess.

     Waiting is hard.  It reminds us that we do not have control of our lives.  It reminds us that life continues, and can even be good, even when our plans fail.  Waiting taunts us with the promise of good things to come and can fill us with an ache of not having those things yet.

     Waiting builds patience.  Waiting builds hope.  Waiting builds peacefulness.  Waiting builds community as others share in the experience with you.  Waiting allows us to grow as God puts the finishing touches on the remaining pieces of His plan.  Waiting allows the unexpected to fall upon our lives.  Waiting is a gift if we are willing to enter into it without filling our time and our attention with superficial entertainment and distraction (that would be video games for me).

     I am waiting for youth and donors and volunteers to pour into Joel's Place.  I am waiting for the young people in this place to reject the negative voices in their heads and become everything that God made them to be.  I am waiting to see healing fall on our community and state. 

     But mostly I am waiting for my baby girl to arrive.

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