Friday, October 11, 2013

The Joel's Place Ride Team

     I have been working around young people for a long time now.  Coming up on a couple of decades now...which means that I am getting old.  But that is beside the point.  I have seen enough stupid behavior and been engaged in enough drama-filled conversations that very little will surprise me when it comes to teenagers.  One element is usually predictably consistent:  youth are incredibly self-focused and self-centered.  That's not a bad thing, it is usually simply part of the process of young people discovering who they are and finding their way in life.

     Kelli, my Program Director, called me into her office the other day to run a proposal past me.  It involves the Joel's Place Ride Team.  The Ride Team is a group of 5-10 youth who are regulars at Joel's Place and who wanted to take their riding to the next level.  They agree to provide lessons, skate at exhibitions and make appearances at community events for Joel's Place.  In exchange they have free riding sessions throughout the year.  The Ride Team provided the volunteers for the A.Skate clinic, the lessons and demos at our fair booth and generally make it possible for me to show the community what we offer to youth without having to kill myself on a skateboard.

     The ride team came together and approached Kelli with an idea.  They love riding for free and realize that it is a special honor.  Instead of flaunting that to the other Joel's Place kids, they decided that they wanted to make a way for other riders to have the same experience.  Skating is more fun when there are more people able to join and the way you get the most people is to offer it for free.  So they asked Kelli if they could raise money to make "Free Ride Fridays."  Kelli and I helped them draft a support letter and they are currently out in the community seeking funds to help their peers ride for free.

     There is a lot that I wrestle with here.  There are lots of questions that I ask.  I have been taking classes in Non-Profit Management and have a list of 25 issues that need to be addressed immediately.  This journey has frequently been a struggle...but then I see this band of young men and women who are willing to brave fundraising because what we offer at Joel's Place is so good that they want to offer it to as many youth as possible.  It's just skating, right?  Well...we do offer food too.  And it is a warm, safe place in the winter.   And the staff...the staff offer support and boundaries and encouragement and laughter and accountability and challenge and hope.  Joel's Place is somewhere that these youth can come and play and learn and become men and women of character.  It is a place that offers a home to those who are searching...and better yet a home where you can run around without worrying about breaking things.

     I am excited to see what happens with the Ride Team's project.  I hope it is incredibly successful.  I hope that partly because it would mean more kids for Joel's Place, which is always good.  I also hope that because I want the Ride Team to know success and take pride in their efforts.  They inspire me to continue working, continue trying to make this place the best it can be. 

     Thank you, everyone for how you continue to support Joel's Place.  We are truly blessed.

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