Friday, March 7, 2014

Double your Dividend?


     Pick.Click.Give. is a program through the State of Alaska that allows recipients of the PFD to easily donate part of their dividend to nonprofit organizations throughout the state.  Joel's Place has received around $6,000 each year for the past three years.  This allows us to pay for our taxes and annual audit to be performed, which in turn allows us to qualify for several grants and government awards.  So far this year we have $3,500 pledged in Pick.Click.Give. which meant that we were going to have to pull funds from some other part of the organization to do the taxes and audit.  I was about to start doing some lobbying when I received a call.

     It turns out that Pick.Click.Give donations are down around the state, probably due to a few factors:
  • Rising energy costs
  • Relatively low PFD payouts the past few years
  • A system glitch that made signing up in January challenging
What I have from here on out is just good news on top of good news.  First, the initial estimate of this year's dividend is $1,800...nearly double last year's check.  Second, the system is working flawlessly so signing up is super simple.  Third, to give incentive to participate in the program, Pick.Click.Give is offering 10 Alaskans the chance to double their dividend.  Simply:
  1. Follow this link to the website.  
  2. Sign up to make a donation from your PFD to some deserving don't know...maybe Joel's Place
  3. After selecting the who and the how much, make sure that you choose the Not Anonymous option.  They can't give an award if they don't know who you are.
  4. 10 Alaskans will be chosen to receive an extra dividend in the fall.
That's the entire process.  Thank you to everyone who participates and gives some of their dividend to Joel's Place.  I know the money has a lot of places it can go and I feel very honored when I see donations come out of those checks.  I will give an update in a couple of months when I hear our final numbers.  Thank you again for your support and encouragement.


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