Most of the time I prefer that my blogs be primarily in my words and my voice; I don't use a lot of quotes or clips. That is partly because I have a lot to say and partly because I believe that this method of communication is more about building relationships than it is crafting a persuasive case. You are reading this in order to know me better, so I try to pour as much of myself into these posts as I can.
That being said, I am not going to write much this week. I have placed a link to a TED talk below that I would like you to view. The talk is about 20 minutes and is worth every minute you invest. Not only is it a powerful story, but its implications for Joel's Place and the work that we do here is staggering. Please find twenty minutes of your day to watch this talk then you could come back here and finish reading the rest of the post.
TED talk by David R Dow
I have two primary responses to the video:
First: Conviction. I cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of the young. The price that society pays is too high. Far too high.
Second: Awe. Awe of Joel's Place and other organizations that have been providing those "nudges" to kids for years. How many lives have been changed, how many futures have been rewritten because the staff and volunteers invested in youth earlier in the story?
To all of our donors and supporters out there. Thank you for being our partners, our co-workers in this vision. This state and this city are better places because we have worked together to step into young people's stories.
To those who are not yet partners, I offer an earnest invitation to join us. This work we do is no small thing. Joel's Place is not a glorified is Preventative Intervention and it needs your help to keep going. If you have questions, feel free to call or e-mail. I would love to talk.
Blessings upon you all.
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