Ok...maybe not many, many...but some people ask me, "James, what can we donate to Joel's Place?"
Ok...maybe not some...but a few people have asked me that question before.
Ok...one person...three years ago asked what we needed...but I told them and it was really helpful.
So...if someone were to ask me what Joel's Place needed, how would I respond? There are actually a few distinct areas that we could use some donations for:
- Youth Center maintenance and resupply. Joel's Place is pretty much kid-proof, but we still run out of things and have to replace items that have worn down with all the kids-hours
- Ping Pong Paddles
- Paper Plates and Bowls (preferably Correlle Brand)
- Toilet Paper
- Paper Towels
- Batteries: AA, D and 9 volt
- Duct Tape and Painters Tape
- Black Sharpies
- 3 foot long fluorescent light bulbs
- Office supplies.
- Printer Paper
- Stamps
- Pens
- Bone Builders Backpack Supplies. During the summer we partner with a few different agencies to give 200 kids a weekly supplement of food. The pick up backpacks that have breakfast and lunch items, drinks and snacks. The Food Bank stores these items for us as we collect them over the winter so that we are not buried by granola bars. Here's what we are looking for:
- Breakfast items: Individual oatmeal or cereal packages
- Juice: Boxes (100% apple juice preferred)
- Milk: Shelf stable and lowfat (unflavored, individual servings preferred)
- Lunch items (high protein): Soup, ravioli, chili, tuna cups, or easy mac
- Fruit: Fruit Cups or Applesause (canned or squeeze type, not plastic cups)
- Snack Items: Crackers, Granola Bars, Chips etc
If you are interested in helping out with any of these things, feel free to let me know or just drop something by when you are in the neighborhood. We are so grateful for you and all the ways that you help us to invest in these kids.